We love our garden birds. And for the most part they are extremely welcome visitors. And we should actively encourage them into our gardens. They are excellent at eating bugs that cause devastation to our plants.
However, occasionally, birds can be destructive and therefore we need to protect our plants, whilst also being as kind to the birds as possible.
Birds can destroy crops such as lettuce, peas, brassicas and beetroot.
They can also eat a newly sown lawn in minutes.
- Use Gro-Sure lawn seed which is coated in a blue layer to make it undesirable to birds
- Feed the birds in your garden with a plentiful supply of Peckish bird food to ensure they don’t need to go after the fruits of your labour!
Put a net over the area that you want to protect to prevent the birds from gaining access. Crop protection netting is ideal to help stop bird attack. Our Crop & Pond Netting is also a great reaplacement for food cages.
Nets can be draped temporarily over plants, but ideally if you are growing soft fruit such as raspberries, a permanent bird-proof cage may be the solution.