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New Horizon Fund
With every bag sold, the New Horizon fund grows and helps to grow a greener future. A percentage from every bag of New Horizon sold will go directly into the fund to support community gardening projects across the UK and Ireland. Nominate your charity or cause now!
Find out moreCommon houseplant problems and how to solve them
Unsure why your houseplant isn't thriving? It might be experiencing common houseplant problems like over-watering, pests, or inadequate lighting. Explore our guide and find out how to rejuvenate your indoor greenery.
Find out moreSeeds to sow in September
September is the start of autumn sowing season! It's a great time to get ahead of the game for next year by sowing certain seeds early to give them a head start before the frosts come. Find out what seeds you should be sowing this month!
Find out moreSeptember garden birds
September can be a quiet month for garden birds. The breeding season is over for most species, some birds are moulting and there is still an abundance of wild food for birds to use. With so many nuts, seeds and fruits in wild areas, some birds may prefer to stay away from our gardens. However, there are plenty of species to keep an eye out for.
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