Westland manufacture and supply growing media, seeds, fertilisers and chemicals into the home and garden market. The following key environmental aspects are associated with the business and the reduction of them forms part of our strategy.
- Peat and bark harvesting
- Packaging use
- Energy consumption
- Transportation of goods and emissions
Westland Horticulture recognises that the environment is a central business concern and that our manufacturing and distribution operations, products and services all have a potential environmental impact
Westland are committed to continual improvement to enhance our environmental performance, through constant review, in order to provide an effectively controlled environmental management system, product and service. This Environmental Policy is applicable to the areas of our business within the scope of our environmental certification and has been implemented to meet the requirements of the same standard
It is our policy to:
- Prevent pollution
- Recycle / reuse materials wherever practical
- Minimise the environmental impact, for the life cycle (including disposal) of all plant, equipment, and other physical assets under our control.
- Comply with legislation regulations & relevant Codes of Practice, at all times (our compliance obligations)
Monitoring our progress – Objectives, Targets and Management Programmes
Environmental objectives will be set and reviewed by management at the required and designated intervals.
We will employ specialists (where necessary) to assist with environmental matters. We will ensure that we adhere to our Policy and Programmes, and address resulting actions identified through it. We have included, within our system, measures to control abnormal and emergency situations. It is our aim to also consult and communicate our Policy with our Clients and their representatives, sub-contractors and suppliers and all persons working for or on behalf of our Company, to promote environmental awareness, to gain their support to meet our objectives. All of our employees have been briefed and are fully aware of our Environmental Policy.
Working in partnership
We will consult with Local and National Government bodies, enforcing and regulatory authorities, and specialists to seek advice and assistance towards continual improvement of our Environmental Management system so that it may achieve its’ full potential. We will, at all times, comply with regulations, legislation, codes of practice and other requirements associated with the Company and its’ operations. Where no laws, regulations or codes of practice exist, we will develop our own standards to allow for the best practicable and financially viable environmental option, not entailing significant and detrimental costs to the Company, whilst considering the opinions of interested parties.
This Policy is displayed at all sites and is available to all personnel, including Visitors, contractors and any interested parties. All employees are encouraged to read it and communicate any query to a Director.
A copy of this Policy can also be obtained, on request (by any interested party) from Head Office: Westland Horticulture Ltd, 14 Granville Industrial Estate, Granville Road, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, BT70 1NJ