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Pots and containers are bang on trend for 2016!

POTS and containers will be bang on trend for 2016, with new, inexperienced consumers searching for an easy way to create a portable garden.
Gro-Sure Easy Containers Compost is an all in one compost offering guaranteed growing results. It’s now available in a 20L, 35L and new for 2016 is a 50L option which will offer consumers extra value.
With over 8.3m rented homes now in England and Wales* and the average new garden size shrinking quickly, pots and containers are big news for all consumers looking to make their outside space an attractive and welcoming place.
Carefully formulated to ensure consumers can grow with certainty, getting bigger blooms and crops, Gro-Sure Easy Containers Compost has 5 key ingredients:
  1. Water storing clay granules – Unique to Westland. These patented granules feature water storing pockets which hold onto the water and release it when the plant needs it most
  2. 6 months’ feed – Promotes flowering for the whole growing season
  3. West+ wood fibre – Enhanced for root growth
  4. Irish peat – High performing growing medium, popular choice with all gardeners
  5. Seaweed – Increases plant vitality and overall health
Dympna Carron, Brand Manager for Growing Media said: “Portable gardening is bang on trend for 2016. It offers households a flexible garden solution and is ideal for those who rent. However, with no ground soil to draw from, plants are reliant on what goes in the pot in terms of water and nutrients.
“Gro-Sure Easy Containers Compost gets rid of this problem, as it contains water storing clay granules which grab hold of moisture and keep it stored until the plant needs it most.
“This means less consumers will wake up to dried out plants if they forget to water for an evening or two! It ensures an easy way to achieve the very best results, ensuring consumers continue growing again and again.”
*Home Ownership and Renting in England and Wales June 2015
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