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Top garden pest no match for Resolva Bug Killer!

The UK’s top garden pest is no match for Resolva Bug Killer, the ultimate insecticide that kills more pests on more plants than any other product.
This week, the box tree caterpillar has been crowned the UK’s top garden pest by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), knocking slugs and snails off the top spot. However gardeners needn’t fear, as long as they have a bottle of Resolva Bug Killer to hand!
The box tree caterpillar is a native of East Asia and was first discovered in the UK in 2011. It feeds greedily on box plants under a blanket of pale fine-webbing which can cover infected plants. Gardeners should inspect their box hedges on a regular basis and be on the look-out for yellow eggs underneath box leaves, green/yellow caterpillars with black heads and black and white stripes and any sign of webbing between leaves and twigs.
Amy Gingell, Brand Manager for Resolva Bug Killer said: “Resolva Bug Killer contains lambda-cyhalothrin, which is really effective in protecting and treating box plants against the dreaded box tree caterpillar.
“It’s fast acting and keeps on working for up to 2 weeks. Plus it kills more pests on more plants than any other product and is available in a Ready to Use and Concentrate format.
“Don’t let the box tree caterpillar leave you with an unsightly dying box plant, grab a bottle of Resolva Bug Killer now as an essential weapon in your gardening armoury this spring/summer.”
For more information about Resolva, visit www.resolva-weeds.com.

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