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A naturally great performing growing media has been launched to consumers this year.
Nature’s Haven Multi-Purpose Compost is a peat-free growing media that will work in harmony with the garden. It is designed for gardeners seeking a more natural approach to their garden, without compromising on quality and performance.
Plus for each packet sold, 1sq.ft of wildflower seeds will be donated to local schools and communities, ensuring the long-term survival of pollinating insects in the UK.
The compost will complete the successful Nature’s Haven range offered by Westland, which comprises wildflower seed packets, Nature’s Haven Easy Wildflowers seed mix and bug boxes.
With its rich formulation, Nature’s Haven Multi-Purpose Compost comprises Westland’s unique West+ ingredient, coir and composted bark. Plus it contains an organic fertiliser which feeds for up to 8 weeks.
Dympna Carron, Brand Manager for Nature’s Haven said: “When we launched our Nature’s Haven brand 4 years ago, we were ahead of the trend for natural, yet high performing products that work in harmony with the garden.
“This trend shows no signs of slowing down as consumers become more savvy about the products they buy. Our Nature’s Haven range has the RHS ‘Perfect for Pollinators’ logo, plus for each pack of our new compost sold, we will donate 1sq.ft of wildflower seeds in the UK.”
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