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Growing Flowers & Veg in Bio-Life Planting Soil

Using our  Bio-Life Planting Soil will help you to grow an abundance of healthy, tasty vegetables in your garden or allotment. Additionally, our version for flowers will ensure your beds and borders are full of life with beautiful blooms.

Our Bio-Life Planting Soil For Vegetables and Planting Soil for Flowers have the optimum balance of sand, silt and clay. This creates a more open free draining soil that is easier to re-wet and retains nutrients. Rich in clay loam, organic matter and with active bio-life to support life in the soil to create the best foundations for strong healthy plants, vegetables and vibrant flowers. Planting Soil for Flowers is blended ready to use in your containers, pots, flower beds and borders. Planting Soil for Vegetables is also ready to use in raised beds, vegetable beds, troughs and allotments.

planting soils for flowersplanting soils for veg

What is Active Bio-Life?

Soil is not just soil. It is as alive as your plants; bustling and thriving with organic life. This organic life works 24/7 creating a healthy soil to grow healthy vegetables. Active bio-life is a naturally rich form of organic matter. It is full of beneficial organisms that nourishes and supports the soils bio-life. Furthermore, it supports the plant’s natural defences and releases phosphorous for plant uptake and growth, therefore resulting in a healthier soil all round and the best foundations for your vegetables.


How do I use Bio-Life Planting Soil for Vegetables

how to use planting soil for veg

For even better results:

Keep your vegetables thriving throughout the growing season with Westland Organic Vegetable Liquid Feed. Rich in essential nutrients, this slow release feed will keep vegetable plants nourished for an abundant crop of tasty, healthy veg.

organic vegetable liquid plant food

How do I use Bio-Life Planting Soil for Flowers?

how to use bio-life planting soil for flowers

For even better results:

Keep your flowers in bloom throughout the season using our Westland Specialist Seaweed Liquid Feed. This feed is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, aimed to increase flowering whilst helping reduce plant stress.

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