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The Importance of feeding plants

Feeding your plants, fruit and vegetables is key to getting the most out of them, improving growth and boosting flowering. Plants need nutrients just as much as we do. The condition of compost and soil plants grow in is also important to ensure plants can absorb nutrients stored in below the surface. Plants and containers need watering and feeding regularly. They only rely on the nutrients and water you provide to them whereas plants and crops planted in the ground can access further nutrients within the soil.

Peat Free Compost

As we move into a generation of peat free compost, the ingredients within a compost bag are different. Therefore, you will see changes in the way plants and crops grow. Westland peat free compost is made from composted bark, wood fibre and fine organic material as well as pumice to allow compost to store and release moisture and nutrients.

These new ingredients are more likely to dry out on the surface. However, although your plants may look like they need watering, often the compost remains moist below the surface. It is just as important to ensure you do not over water plants.


Check whether your plants require water by pushing your finger into the soil around 2.5cm to see if the soil is moist before watering.

Boost plant feed contains special additives. These additives help water to penetrate dry compost and ensure that all the water is absorbed without being wasted.

Peat free compost is a great alternative to help save our environment however it is not as good with holding onto nutrients. To get the best out of your plants, fruit and vegetables it is essential to feed regularly. Boost has been developed for use on both peat based and peat free composts. With 1 shot of boost every time you water your plants nutritional requirements are always looked after. For more details and how to use click here.

Boost plant feed diagram

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