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weedstop article

What is Westland Weed Stop?

Westland Weed Stop is a 100% natural decorative ground cover that prevents soil borne weeds for up to 6 months. It can be used in beds, borders, planters, containers and pots. Produced from a blend of wood fibre and bark fines, it offers a close aesthetic likeness to bark with 33% better coverage. Also, it blocks light and germination.


How does Westland Weed Stop work?

Firstly, wood fibres lock together to form a physical barrier against weeds. This barrier then blocks out light to stop any remaining weed seeds from germinating. Finally, this barrier retains moisture in the soil.


What are the benefits?

Weed Stop has a number of benefits for your garden. Aside from neatening the appearance of your garden in general and preventing weeds, there’s a range of other plus-points. By helping the soil to retain moisture, there’s less need for watering. It’s also handy year-round: it warms the soil in Spring and protects it from extreme cold in Winter.


How to use it

Preparing the area

Clear away any weeds in the application area completely before using Westland Weed Stop; it’s important that you remove the roots of any perennial weeds too. Water plants and soil before applying to ensure the soil is moist.



We recommend wearing gloves when handling Weed Stop. Spread a layer of Westland Weed Stop 3cm deep over the soil surface, ensuring that the soil is evenly and completely covered. When spreading, break up any clumps and fluff up the mulch to incorporate air. After spreading, water over the surface of the mulch – this will lock the fibres together. Use in a well ventilated place and avoid breathing in dust.



If any weeds appear, remove them as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading. Westland Weed Stop will stay effective for years after application but may need occasional replenishment to maintain a thick layer on top of the soil surface.



A 90 litre bag can cover up to 2.4sqm at a depth of 3cm.




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