- Kills the weed and its roots
- Concentrated weedkiller for use neat or diluted depending on the type of weed
- Contains Glyphosate
Sizes available
- 3 x 100ml sachet
- 12 x 100ml sachet
- Product Details
- How to Use
- Tips & Advice
- Useful Information
Why Use
Deadfast Weedkiller will kill most living plant tissue on paths, drives and wasteland. It can be applied straight from the sachet to clear well established woody weeds and trees, or diluted down to eradicate large areas of weeds and plants. The active ingredient works through systemic action as it is carried throughout the plant by the sap. After absorption through foliage or cut stumps, the Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate is carried to the outer extremities of the plant’s root system where it begins to work. Effects should be visible in 7-14 days.
Deadfast Weedkiller is a total herbicide and as such care should be taken that it does not come into contact
with wanted plants. After use ensure that garden sprayers or other vessels used for application are thoroughly
cleaned, as traces of product left in equipment can damage or destroy plants sprayed later.
12 x 100ml Sachets will treat up to 720m² when using a sprayer
What to Expect
Effects may be seen in a few days, but for tougher weeds it may take up to 4 weeks
Deadfast Weedkiller Concentrate contains Glyphosate. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use
How to Use
Spray Application
- Cut the corner off the sachet and pour the contents (100ml) into the application vessel and then add clean water to make 1 full litre of product
- Spray lightly, or pour gently, over leaves until they are thoroughly wet but take care to avoid run off
- For best results apply when weeds are actively growing
- Effects can be seen in a few days but full control can take up to 4 weeks
- If it rains within 6 hours of application then effectiveness can be reduced and re-application is advised
- Apply this product carefully. Ensure spraying takes place only when weeds are actively growing (normally March to October) and is
confined only to visible weeds including those in the 30cm swath covering the kerb edge and road gulley – do not overspray drains
Direct Application
- To eradicate woody and well-established weeds first cut back the plant so that the exposed stem or trunk is near ground level
- Apply Deadfast Weeedkiller within 4 days of cutting back the plant
- Cut the corner off the sachet and pour the contents directly onto exposed wood or plant stem. Ensure an even coating is applied but take care to avoid wanted plants
General Advice
- Always read the label before use
- Wash hands & exposed skin after use
- Keep away from children and pets
- Store sachets in a safe place
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can my pets go into the treated area?
A. For non-grazing animals allow product to dry before allowing pets back into the area. For grazing animals allow weeds to die completely and remove them before allowing pets back into the area
Q. Can I use this on my lawn?
A. NO (unless you are aiming to kill it off). This is a total weedkiller and will kill both broadleaf weeds and grasses — only use it on plants that you want to kill
Q. When can I replant after using this weedkiller?
A. The product does not leave a residue in the soil. As soon as the weeds have died completely, and been removed, the area can be replanted or re-seeded.
Q. Can I mix up a large quantity and store it ready mixed?
A. The product should be made up and used straight away, not stored for any time.
For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or email [email protected]
Safety Information
Protection during/in use:
- Keep off skin.
- Wash splashes off immediately
- Wash hands and exposed skin after use
Environmental protection:
- Do not empty into drains
- Do not contaminate water with the product or its container
- Dispose of unused product in its container at a household waste site (civic amenity site)
- Contact your local council (local authority) for details
- Dispose of empty container in the dustbin