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A Natural Approach to Gardening

If you decide to adopt a natural approach to gardening, choose Nature’s Haven, Growing Success and Peckish to help minimise your environmental impact and attract wildlife.
In spring, more households than ever will be looking for a garden that’s bursting with life. From buzzing bees, butterflies and beneficial insects, to garden birds looking to mate or nesting location, your garden can house them all!
The Nature’s Haven’s range works in harmony with your garden. The range includes Nature’s Haven Wildflower Seed Packets, Nature’s Haven Easy Wildflowers Seed Mix and Nature’s Haven Bug Boxes.
Growing Success offers a range of environmentally friendly controls don’t have to mean taking a light touch! These products, which include Growing Success Advanced Slug Killer, Growing Success Cat Repellent and Growing Success Greenhouse Whitefly Traps are great for gardeners looking for effective pest control and minimal environmental impact.
Get a Peckish performance from the birds in your garden with Peckish bird food, feeders and wooden products. Enriched with the unique Calvita vitamin and mineral blend, Peckish bird food is packed full of more nutrients and goodness to help make birds fitter, healthier and perform at their peak. The range include Peckish Complete Energy Balls and Peckish Complete Easy Feeder, pre-filled with Peckish Complete seed mix, simply hang on a tree!
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