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This Westland Big Tom Peat Free Tomato Planter is a nutrient-rich compost that promotes strong root growth and sustains healthy plant development. This unique formulation is full of essential nutrients, providing the best environment for your tomatoes to thrive. Infused with beneficial seaweed, it enhances both crop quality and encourages abundant fruiting.

Designed with an advanced moisture retention technology and a calcium rich formulation, it reduces the risk of blossom end rot. The planter also actively nourishes your tomato plants for an extended period of up to six weeks. This promotes their vitality and productivity.

This deeper fill Westland Big Tom Peat Free Tomato Planter allows for more roots, meaning a bountiful harvest of more delicious tomatoes. Plus if you use the Big Tom planter with our Big Tom Super Tomato Feed you will get even more bigger, tastier tomatoes.

big tom peat free tomato planter

big tom peat free planter and feed

Sizes available

  • Large - 55L (when filled)
  • How to use
  • Feel Good Gardening
  • Tips & Advice


  1. Before opening, shake the planter to loosen the compost and ensure an even depth
  2. Choose a suitable spot with plenty of light. Big Tom Tomato Planter is ideal for greenhouses, patios, conservatories and even roof top plantings
  3. Cut around the dotted lines on the front of the planter to make three holes
  4. Make a hole in the compost sufficient for the root ball of the plant and firm in the compost around the plant
  5. Water the planter and ensure the compost is moist


  1. Keep compost moist. Water every day in hot weather to prevent drying out
  2. If necessary, cut some holes in the bottom of the planter to avoid water logging
  3. Use Big Tom Super Tomato Food when the first flower truss appears and re-feed every 2-3 waterings
  4. Carefully place a cane (or use string and supports) in the compost to support the plant as it

big tom peat free planter and feed

big tom feel good gardening

  • Store in a dry frost free space away from weedkillers and other garden chemicals
  • Keep planter sealed until it is required for use
  • Not suitable for ericaceous (lime hating) plants

For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm) or email customerservice@westlandhorticulture.com

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